A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness; . . .– John Keats, Endymion
Monday night, Drew Brees – of our own New Orleans Saints – set a new record for career-total passing yards, overtaking Peyton Manning!
Drew Brees is a thing of beauty. He came to New Orleans – a wounded bird (not a dirty bird!) – in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2006. Sean Payton, the new Saints’ coach, took a chance on Brees, and Brees paid back his confidence, and the City of New Orleans, each and every game day. He did this by striving, every day, to become a better version of himself.
In 2006, nine months after suffering a dislocation of his right shoulder, Drew Brees, a free agent, signed with the New Orleans Saints. It was a mere four years later that Drew Brees brought our Saints into the Promised Land – the team won its first Super Bowl in franchise history, beating the Indianapolis Colts 31-17 in Super Bowl XLIV in Miami, Florida. That was a day to remember – and it will live forever in the memory of the City of New Orleans until the years stretch into infinity. Perhaps longer than that.
Upon learning that a new record would be set, and his own record broken, Peyton Manning recorded a congratulatory for video for Drew Brees. The . video displays a man not only of great humor, but one who is truly good-natured, humble, kind, and considerate. Much like Drew Brees, in fact.
My guess is that Peyton Manning’s brother, Cooper, might have had something to do with the writing of this video.
Drew Brees is the epitome of a man – athletic, strong, humble, kind, considerate and giving. He is a role model to hold up – not only as a good husband, but as the father of four. He is an exemplary symbol of a life well lived.
I truly believe that we all ought to take at least one moment, every day, to try to be the person we were created to be, and to do what we believe we are called to do in that one moment.
It is my belief that, if we set aside that one moment each day, abandon our self-interest, our personal desires, whatever it is we would rather be doing, and embrace the opportunity to do the most good we can for the most people we can reach, the world would become a better place.
Catholic author Matthew Kelly defines this as a “holy moment.”
My Jewish brothers and sisters have a similar concept – the mitzvah, which is generally defined as an individual act of human kindness in keeping with the law. This act must include heart-felt sentiment – not merely fulfilling a legal duty but embracing God’s command that “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Country radio disc-jockey Bobby Bones has a slightly different approach – hosting “Joy Week,” during which he urges his listeners to spread joy and happiness and to “do good” unto others.
What are some ways you have found to ground yourself ground yourself to focus on being a person for others? And how does this make you feel? Please click here to share your thoughts with me – I would love to hear from you!
Until next Wednesday –