Work with RFG
Mission statement, core company vision and culture.
Our firm’s mission is deceptively simple – we exist in order to help people by solving their problems. What makes RFG different is how we approach this mission – we consider every facet of our clients’ lives. We delve into their deepest goals – and the unique personal motivations which generate those goals. Their stage in life, their families, their professional and personal visions of the futures they want.
Because only when we understand the whole picture of their lives – past, present, and future – can we devise the solutions that are best for them, as individuals.
We are custom tailors, not an off-the-rack shop.
Our vision is to be an ever-growing firm, serving more and more clients’ needs via empowering our team members to grow, professionally and personally, to build their skills and confidence, to take the reins and responsibilities – and devise creative solutions for our clients themselves, without micro-management.
Our culture is family friendly. We like to think of our RFG team as a family, but we fully understand that it is not, and should not be, any team member’s principal family. We offer flexibility – if your child needs a doctor’s visit, let us know. You can make up the time, or take personal time, as you choose.
Core Values
Our core values are that we are put on earth to help one another, to take care of our families, our friends, our business clients and team members, those who are in need. That we set ourselves the highest standards, both personally and professionally, and hold ourselves accountable to these values. That we are here to strive, to grow, and to take time to breathe, to be centered, to think deeply, and to appreciate the beauty of the world – in nature, in the works of our fellow humans – in our achievements in every field. To work toward a time when we can honestly say to ourselves, “I did the best I could with what I had.”
Our application process:
- initial call to determine whether you and RFG are potentially right for each other
- first interview
- Kolbe A & Top 5 Strengths
- final interview if necessary
- decision