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Be Safe, Be Alive!

18 March 2020

These are uncertain times. We are all in safety-mode, or we should be. The coronavirus, and its attendant disease, COVID-19, are spreading all around the world; we cannot know yet how effective containment measures will prove, nor the economic consequences.

It is not selfish to work from home, or to quarantine yourself if you have reason to believe you or a family member have been exposed – it is generous to your fellow citizens to spare them possible infection.

But, while it is also wise to avoid gatherings of numerous people in a physical setting, this is where technology is our friend. Take some time (maybe time you’d have spent commuting to work) and reach out to those loved ones you’ve been out of touch with. Catch up, commiserate, celebrate. Use Zoom or FaceTime to see each other’s faces as you talk.

Start an online group with a focus on anything but the virus, participate, share enthusiasm.

Because life is happening every minute, even as we are reminded there are no guarantees.

Remember to exercise, and not only for the endorphins – the first line to maintaining a healthy immune system is following good general health guidelines. Every part of your body, including the immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy living strategies such as:

• Get regular exercise

• Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables

• If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation

• Get plenty of sleep

• Try to minimize stress and anxiety

• To avoid infections, wash your hands regularly and thoroughly

How are you coping in these uncertain times?

Please click here to email me directly – I would love to hear from you!

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Until next Wednesday – have a great week!



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